About Margam Foundation

Margam is a free and independent humanitarian organization working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty and injustice. Since 2000 it is registered as a non-profit association originated in Kannur. The focus of our activities is on social work, child rights, child development and education. Our activities are directed to the well being of children ensuring children to have access to education, health, protection and participation.

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Our Vision

Every child will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education, achieve his/her fullest potential and participate etc…

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Our Mission

To expand opportunities and enhance the quality of the life of children. We lead positive social change through education etc…

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Join US

Margam is a participate drive, where like-minded people come together to help an under-privileged.

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Founders Message

You need not have abundant surplus income to donate and remove inequality. All you need, is a sense of responsibility to donate whatever you can, to help bring significant and serious change.

- Your Name

News and Events

  • 1
    We need to act on signs of child abuse'

    “We read about it every day in the papers; we are disgusted by it; but what should we do about it? Unlike other crimes, it is estimated that only five per cent of child sex abuse cases are disclosed — and even the tip of the iceberg is disturbing. “The power dynamics of child sex abuse continue to act as a barrier to disclosure. The perpetrator always has more power and the child has to go Read More +

    Infant mortality rate: Target set by Millennium Development Goals not met

    “Under MDG 4, one of the targets is to reduce Infant Mortality by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015. At the national level, it translates into a goal of reducing IMR from 88 per thousand live births in 1990 to 29 in 2015. IMR of India as of 2013 was 40 per thousand live births and it’s unlikely that India will achieve the target. The national average for 2014 is awaited. Read More +

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    RB -Hackathon 2016-Future Solutions To Protect Against Air Pollution

    “Mumbai: An air purifying baby pacifier, lung strengthening musical toy and pollution-trapping paint have been proposed as pioneering solutions that could protect children from the effects of air pollution – the world’s largest environmental health risk Read More +

    The impact of disasters in Asia Pacific on schools and children

    “BANGKOK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A greater humanitarian focus on schools before, during and after natural disasters will save lives, protect children and benefit communities and countries, Save the Children says in a report due out this week. The report details the impact on education of earthquakes... Read More +

How you can be a part

For Donors

For decades Margam Foundation has been working with the most disadvantaged children to provide them better healthcare, education opportunities and protection from physical and mental exploitation. In India, we go right in the middle of the poorest communities with our development projects and help children be children. We rid them from the clutches of malnutrition, send them to schools, help pregnant women deliver safe, pull children out of child labour – all with an aim to give children a happy childhood.

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NRI Support

Donations made by NRIs, like ones from Indian individuals are put into unrestricted funding. This means that these monies are used by the organization to fund its most important programs; this in turn means, reaching the most vulnerable and deprived children. These donations, save lives, help educate children and provide them protection and support.

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For Corporates

For decades Margam Foundation has been working with the most disadvantaged children to provide them better healthcare, education opportunities and protection from physical and mental exploitation. In India, we go right in the middle of the poorest communities with our development projects and help children be children. We rid them from the clutches of malnutrition, send them to schools, help pregnant women deliver safe, pull children out of child labour – all with an aim to give children a happy childhood.

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Donate Monthly

Regular contributions enable us to bring predictability to our programmes which means we can plan and implement our projects better. This further means deprived children get uninterrupted access to education, regular health check-ups and protection from all forms of exploitation.Regular gifts from our generous donors help us plan and execute life-saving programmes. It also enables us to be better prepared to serve children in case of emergencies and disasters.

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How Real Gifts Works?

In India, there are millions of people living below the poverty line . Your support will provide livelihood assistance for poor families, education assistance for children, water resources for a village/ slum and contribute towards other needs across our country. They are real people with real needs. World Vision with its unique programme, Real Gifts, strives to bring sustainable development in the lives of these people.

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  • “ I am extremely happy to be a part of Margam Foundation, as I have always appreciated their work in the area of holistic child development. It is important for all of us to work towards ensuring that no child is denied the access to education.

    Brittany Freeman

  • “I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Margam Foundation and my sponsor who has supported me with Rs. 25,000 towards my school fees.

    Sindhu Kala


Contact Us

Chettipeedika, Kannur, Kerala 670004 | Email : info@margamfoundation.com
Call Us : 91 9447483916 + 0497 2762700

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© Copyright Margam Foundation, 2025.